5 Tips to Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Check When Traveling

India is home to more than 200 million blood pressure patients. From blurred vision to blood clots, the health condition can result in a number of health scares. When travelling by air, patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure are at high risk of pulmonary edema, a condition in which fluid build ups in the lungs as the aircraft gains elevation. That said, travelling does not have to necessarily be off limits for patients with high blood pressure, if they adopt healthy practices to keep their blood pressure under check. If you are looking for a Malaysia tour package or a package to any other destination and will be travelling with a hypertension patient, make sure they follow the below tips to maintain their blood pressure. Take a look. 

1.Choose Your Destination Carefully

People with high blood pressure coupled with a heart condition must avoid travelling to places with extreme climate. Such patients must avoid travelling to places with very hot or extremely cold climate as it can strain the heart sending it into overdrive mode. If travelling to a destination with extremely cold climate is unavoidable, the person must consult their doctor before leaving and should spend most of their time indoor after reaching the country.

2. Carry low Salt Snacks

During their travel and throughout the trip, it is important for hypertension patients to limit their sodium intake. Though most international airlines serve low-salt foods such as undressed salad, and crudités , it is advisable that patients carry their own low-salt snacks such as hard boiled eggs, unsalted chips and fresh fruits and vegetables.

3. Avoid Feasting on Sugary Snacks

Many experts believe consuming sugary snacks can have an even more detrimental effect than gorging on foods high in sodium, which is why it is advisable for hypertension patients to keep away from high-glycemic foods such as white rice, white bread, bagels and desserts made with table sugar. They must also check ingredients of processed foods before consuming them, as many of them have sugar. When dining at local restaurant, it is advisable for patients to avoid sauces that may contain sodium and sugar.

4. Limit Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a well documented pressor. Increased intake is often associated with elevated blood pressure, which is why it is a good idea for hypertension patients to limit their caffeine intake when traveling. They must also avoid sugary drinks and alcohol and substitute them with more healthy drinks such as different varieties of herbal teas. However, they do not need to strike off drinks such as tea, coffee, hot chocolate and colas rich in caffeine content completely off their diet chart and may continue consuming them in moderation.

5. Don’t Remain Immobile on Long Flights

If you are suffering from hypertension, avoid sitting on long flights as it may result in blood clots that can shoot your blood pressure off the charts. To address this problem, walk whenever you get the opportunity. Before you leave your seat, make sure the seatbelt light is off.


Whether you are looking for a Malaysia tour package from Ahmedabad or are planning to travel to any other destination, follow these tips to maintain your blood pressure when traveling. Inform your doctor about your travel itinerary and consider buying travel insurance, if the cost of healthcare services is considerably higher in the country you are about to visit.